krashkill0069 [GM]  Jester 
FI_Graphics  Dragon Slayer 
fuzzy77  Dragon Slayer 
Kalanin [GO]  Divine Staff
sparky  Jester 
raderk  Starshooter 
pcwizard  Dragon Slayer
sarsboy888   Great Wizard
Asmodea1969  Dragon Slayer
Nero  Starshooter
Piron Starshooter
KolaKolo  Warlord 
Cassielle  Great Wizard 
rawr  Conqueror 
WWG420  Conqueror 
Brichess2  Deadeye
MDawg4 Dragon Slayer
siriamorn01 Dragon Slayer
Hathor  Adept 
Ball  Starshooter 
iwentpeepee3  Great Wizard 
chezman123  Starshooter 
Gaara25  Starshooter 
eriik1000  Dragon Slayer 
SirSlicenChunks Dragon Slayer 
suerose1  Deadeye
qazqi Conqueror
khalamo  Great Wizard 
Mav1983  Starshooter 
Machalla666  Dragon Slayer
Iwo1   Starshooter
Agmeuz  Deadeye 
Doxxx  Dragon Slayer 
Noemi  Dragon Slayer 
Skrzatu1910  Dragon Slayer
renegade77 Conqueror

Interesting Facts about our Members

  • Agmeuz is from  Brazil
  • Doxxx is from Indonesia
  • Fuzzy is from the Netherlands
  • suerose1 attended the concert where Jim Morrison got arrested. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint), she was "medicated" and remembers very little of it
  • Kalanin was once kissed by a very drunk Nick Nolte and received a phone call from Geraldo Rivera.  She was not amused by either
  • Sparky is from Canada and writing a Dream World Epic for our enjoyment
  • Krash may be wanted by the FBI, ICE and NSA for once flipping off George H. Bush's motorcade
  • SSC is from OZ but lives in Indonesia (He's really smart too)
  • KolaKolo lives in Uruguay, and Spanish is primary language